
Non-Invasive Prenatal Screening Test (NIPT)

Monday 5th February 2024

A More Accurate Screening Test for Down Syndrome A new, DNA-based technology NIPT is a DNA-based blood screening test that measures the risk of Down syndrome (trisomy 21) from as early as 10 weeks in pregnancy. When you are pregnant, your blood contains fragments of your baby's DNA. The NIPT Test analyses DNA in a sample of your blood to predict the risk of Down syndrome (trisomy 21) and certain other genetic conditions. The test is more accurate than traditional Down syndrome blood tests, meaning it is much less likely to give a false-positive result compared to traditional tests, such as the first trimester screening test. Reducing the chances that your doctor would…

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What is an Early Pregnancy Ultrasound Scan?

Tuesday 23rd November 2021

An early pregnancy scan is usually performed shortly after finding out you are pregnant. This is usually 6 to 8 weeks after conception and the purpose of the scan is to confirm the pregnancy, assess early viability and to provide an accurate date of the pregnancy (the scan is often referred to as viability or dating scan). If you experience any pain or bleeding in your early pregnancy, we advise having an ultrasound to check all is well. If you have experienced a miscarriage previously, we also advise having an early pregnancy ultrasound to assess the pregnancy. We aim to provide…

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Ultrasound Wellbeing Scans £55

Friday 19th November 2021

Ultrasound scans Wellbeing scan This ultrasound scan is usually carried at between 16- 40 weeks of pregnancy. Some obstetricians advise that this scan is offered to all women. Others reserve such scans for those women who have had previous complications of pregnancy such as pre-eclampsia, growth restriction, diabetes, stillbirth, and for those women…

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Early Pregnancy Scans, Why have one?

Thursday 18th November 2021

In the UK you could be referred for an early pregnancy scan at your local Early Pregnancy Assessment Unit through your GP or Midwife. You may be referred for an early scan if you have pain, vaginal bleeding or spotting, or because you have a history of problems with a previous pregnancy. Some people opt to have a private early pregnancy scan, simply because they would like some reassurance for example, if they are a little worried and they want to know where they are in…

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5 Star Rated Experience at Numi Scan

Sunday 14th November 2021

Our Reassurance Scan offers early pregnancy reassurance to ladies from as little as 7 weeks (based on your LMP). Each of our early pregnancy scans come complete with a wellbeing report Scan Includes: Confirmation of an intrauterine pregnancy Check for…

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Numi Scan Franchise Opportunity

Saturday 16th October 2021

Numi Scan is about to open our first franchise in North London. Very exciting! You could be offering: Early pregnancy scans Gender reveal scans 4D scans & more..... Please contact us on 01279797790 at our Stansted clinic if you would like to know more about the benefit's of a Numi Scan franchise.

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Sunday 10th October 2021

WHAT IS GESTATIONAL DIABETES? Gestational diabetes is a type of diabetes that you develop when you're pregnant and is when your blood sugar levels are higher than normal. WHAT CAUSES GESTATIONAL DIABETES? It happens when your body can't produce enough…

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Sunday 10th October 2021

New data suggests breastfeeding women who have been infected with Covid-19 continue to secrete virus-neutralising antibodies into their milk for up to 10 months. Besides emphasising the important role breastfeeding could play in helping to protect infants from the disease, researchers believe that such antibodies could be…

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Baby loss awareness week 2021 - Introduction to Numi Scan North London’s Franchise.

Sunday 10th October 2021

Baby loss awareness week 2021 - Introduction to Numi Scan North London's Franchise. Wave of light 2021 Okay, a little about me. I am the director of the Numi Scan North London Franchise. This is my first blog. So, please bear with! I never choose the easy route. So here I am, writing my first blog on a subject many people REALLY struggle to speak about. I had researched "how to write a blog". The information I found informed me to…

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Early Pregnancy Scan £79 plus FREE 2nd Scan

Saturday 9th October 2021

Early Pregnancy Scan £79 plus FREE 2nd Scan Appointments Available 7 Days a Week 👶Confirms Pregnancy 👶Visualise Baby's Heartbeat 👶Date Pregnancy 👶Well-being Report 👶Check For Single Or Multiple Pregnancy 👶4D Peek 01279797790 Stansted clinic & 020 3897 9839 North London clinic No:1 for Early Pregnancy Reassurance Scans

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4D Super Star Baby Scan reduced to just £99

Friday 8th October 2021

Even at 34 weeks we are able to get fantastic images if baby helps a little:) 4D Super Star Baby…

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Monday 4th October 2021

Do you feel your bump is a little on the large side? Come to Numi Scan for a well-being scan to see if you have Polyhydramnios. Polyhydramnios is where there is too much amniotic fluid around the baby during pregnancy. Amniotic fluid is the fluid that surrounds your baby in the womb. Too much amniotic fluid is normally spotted during…

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